lunedì 2 aprile 2012

Geography lessons

1."Spain is not Greece" . Elena Salgado, Spanish Finance minister, Feb 2010
2. "Portugal is not Greece" - the Economist, 22nd April 2010
3. "Greece is not Ireland" - George Papaconstantinou, Greek Finance minister, 8th November 2010
4. "Spain is neither Ireland nor Portugal" - Elena Salgado, Spanish Finance minister, 16 November 2010
5. "Neither Spain nor Portugal is Ireland" - Angel Gurria, Secretary-general, 19th November 2010
6. "Spain is not Greece and need not be Ireland" - Mohamed El-Erian, Financial Times 3rd February 2011
7. "Italy is not like Portugal" - Daniel Gros, Il Sole 24ore, 12th May 2011
8. "Italy is not Greece" - Emma Marcegaglia, Confindustria's President 13th July 2011
9. "The USA are not in the condition of Greece or Portugal" - Barack Obama 15th July 2011